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Volume Booster App
( From 0-1)


Would you like your device Volume to be louder?

This app is designed as a tool for people who have a high demand for mobile phone volume boosting, it can adjust the volume up to 200% higher than the highest volume of the mobile phone system.

Full-time Job,

UI Design, Product Design


Sketch, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects



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I designed this app independently during my first full-time job after completing my bachelor degree. When I first joined the company, I was involved in several ongoing projects and was mainly responsible for optimization work. This project was the first one I was responsible for and completed independently.

My role

I am responsible for everything from competitive analysis, interaction design, UI design, writing requirements documents, and leading brainstorming sessions and requirements meetings. I also worked with PM (Zhenfeng) and the programmers (Kun and Tina) to discuss the development cycle, usability testing, buried design, iterative optimization, etc. This has helped me to develop my independent design and communication skills.

Design Impact

Currently has over 1 million downloads and a 4.7 rating on Google play. Ranked 14th in the Music&Audio category of Google play (US region).

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The data from Google Play


Making a phone call in a noisy environment outdoors, watching a movie at home without a stereo, using a mobile phone with too little sound in the system, etc., the volume of the system is always too small in daily life.

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Demand reached new heights during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Elderly people have a 62.88% rate of dissatisfaction.

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People have a greater need for smartphone in high volume.

Target Users

1. Hearing disorder: for example, the elderly.

2. Entertainment needs: enjoy a new rock album, watch Netflix with friends, or play favorite game etc.

 Hearing disorder

(Most are the elderly)

Entertainment needs

(Young people)

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Design Goals

1. Simple and efficient guidelines—Guide novice users to quickly understand how to use apps.

2. Fluent user interaction—The user experience should be seamless, and the process should be smooth, especially considering the elderly group. 

3. Intuitive user interface—Musical and dynamic and in line with modern UI design trends, covering the preferences of different user groups.

4. High user viscosity—provide a variety of personalized options, such as online theme skin with various styles.


In order to make their experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible and to ensure that the interaction level experience matches the user's habits, I created wireframes to produce interface prototypes with a smooth experience. 

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Only part of the wireframes are shown

Final Design

After several revisions, we determined the visual design that was Neumorphism UI Design style. This is a new design trend with an anthropomorphic plastic look that brings a completely different aesthetic to mobile applications.


Launch page, style customisation, tutorial, Booster main page, Equalizer, subscription, settings, skin changing, rating mechanism, etc. 

Only part of pages are shown

Event Tracking

To improve user experience, I conducted a user path analysis, investigating a series of events performed by users. The user path data from the data management platform help me to optimize the content of our app.

For instance, by analysing the number of clicks on different themes and skins, we gain insight into the user's preference for different styles of themes and skins. This will help us to determine the following design style that benefits user viscosity.

Event traking

Cannot provide complete material


The collabration between designers and programmer is also challenging, For instance, I was overly concerned with the visual effects of the UI interface, but neglected the difficulty of implementation. When I finished the design, the programmer rejected my request due to the limited development time. This led to me having to redesign, which caused a huge amount of work. In my future design work, I will actively communicate with the programmer to reduce unnecessary work.

Takeaways / Reflection

I am proud to design a project from scratch as a fresh graduate. A big thanks to the development team for believing in me and supporting me throughout the whole process. Collaborating with engineers and project managers, iterating, testing and finalising products has been a valuable experience. Over 1 million downloads and high ratings are the results of our collaboration, so I am very grateful to be able to make a contribution to this team.


I also learnt that data is important to help us analyse key insights about our product and understand exactly how users interact and navigate through the app. This will help our team in future iterations of optimization.


If I had more time, I think I would continue to collect users' feedback and make improvements. This working experience has given me a solid foundation for my future design career.

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